Hadith Intensive
Five July Weekends | Five Courses

Course Description:
In the Muqaddimah of Sahih Muslim, one of the most authoritative texts in Islam after the Quran, it is written that Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak said:
“The isnad (chain of narration) is from the religion; were it not for the isnad anyone could say anything they wanted.”
As the Sunnah is the second source of Islamic law, studying the Science of Hadith is essential for properly understanding the transmitted words, actions, approvals, and characteristics of the Prophet (PBUH).
This Hadith Intensive is an introductory study of the terminology and critical methodology of the hadith sciences. This course introduces students to foundational hadith nomenclature (muṣtalaḥāt) and critical concepts of the hadith sciences through two unanimously accepted and renowned texts, Al-Manẓūmah Al-Bayqūniyyah by Imām 'Umar bin Muḥammad al-Bayqūni and Nukhbat al-Fikar by Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Ḥajar ʿAsqalānī.
This intensive includes a general survey of hadith literature through various Forty Aḥādīth collections to help students nurture their faith, deepen their religious understanding, and increase their love for the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Through reflecting upon and implementing these aḥādīth, students will experience their significance in their lives as Muslims in the 21st Century.
Instructor: TBA
Study Full Intensive or Select Any Course(s)
(Saturdays & Sundays, 9 AM to 1 PM EDT)
Course 1: July 3rd & 4th
Al-Manẓūmah Al-Bayqūniyyah
Course 2: July 10th & 11th
Forty Aḥādīth of Imam al-Nawawi
Course 3: July 17th & 18th
Nukhbat al-Fikar of Ḥāfiẓ Ibn al-Ḥajar
Course 4: July 24th & 25th
Forty Aḥādīth on Social Reform
Imam Abu al-Qāsim al-Qushayri (d. 465 AH)
Course 5: July 31st & August 1st
Forty Aḥādīth on the Virtues of Palestine
Full Intensive Tuition Fees: N/A
Refunds available before 6/20/21
Tuition Fee per Weekend Course: N/A
Refunds available before 6/20/21